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Getting Started with TwinTrim

Welcome to the TwinTrim getting started guide! This document will walk you through the steps to get started with the project.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Python Installation: Make sure you have Python 3.6 or above installed on your system. You can download it from the official Python website.
  • Git: Ensure you have Git installed to clone the repository. You can get it from the official Git website.
  • GitHub Account: A GitHub account is required if you plan to contribute to the project.

Installing TwinTrim

To install TwinTrim, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone the repository from GitHub to your local machine.

    bash git clone

  2. Navigate to the Project Directory: Change into the project directory.

    bash cd twinTrim

  3. Install Dependencies: Install the required dependencies using the following command. If you are using poetry, you can install dependencies with:

    bash poetry install

    Alternatively, if you are using pip, install the dependencies from requirements.txt:

    bash pip install -r requirements.txt

Running TwinTrim

To run TwinTrim, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Project Directory (if not already there):

    bash cd twinTrim

  2. Run the Application: Start the application with the following command:

    bash python -m twinTrim.main <directory> [OPTIONS]

    Replace <directory> with the path to the directory you want to scan. You can add options such as --all to automatically remove duplicates or specify filters (e.g., --min-size or --file-type).

    The application will scan the directory and, based on your options, either prompt you to review the duplicates or automatically remove them.

Contributing to TwinTrim

We welcome contributions! Follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the Repository: Fork the repository on GitHub from here.

  2. Clone Your Fork: Clone the forked repository to your local machine.

    bash git clone<your-username>/twinTrim.git

  3. Create a New Branch: Create a new branch to work on your changes.

    bash git checkout -b new-branch-name

  4. Make Changes: Make the necessary changes to the code.

  5. Commit Changes: Commit your changes with a descriptive message.

    bash git commit -m "Descriptive commit message"

  6. Push Changes: Push your changes to your fork on GitHub.

    bash git push origin new-branch-name

  7. Create a Pull Request: Go to the GitHub repository and create a pull request from your fork's branch to the main repository's main branch.

Your changes will be reviewed, and if everything looks good, they will be merged into the main project.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to Karthik Kota.